Google shifts on email encryption tool, leaving its fate unclear
GPG Sync: Internal GPG keys syncing tool for orgs
The Intercept Releases GPG Sync, an Encryption Tool for Organizations
Signing commits using GPG
.:: Linenoise ::.
FreeBSD Jail: SKS OpenPGP Server mit Apache Reverse Proxy
Your GnuPG Private Key
Qubes Split GPG
Verschlüsselung: Doppelte Key-IDs und andere Probleme mit PGP
GPGMail-Verschlüsselung für OS X 10.10 Yosemite verfügbar
Evil 32: Check Your GPG Fingerprints
Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications
E2EMail research project has left the nest
I'm giving up on PGP
Mutt, Gmail and GPG · GitHub
How and where to store your private PGP key
examine gpg key properties
A side-channel attack on GnuPG
GnuPG 2.1.11 released
Using DANE to Associate OpenPGP public keys with email addresses
"Werner Koch of GnuPG announces TOR support for Keyservers. #32c3 https
Format Oracles on OpenPGP
0xdeadbeef comes of age: making keysteak with GnuPG
Libksba 1.3.2 for GnuPG released
GnuPG 2.1.0 "modern" released
Joanna Rutkowska on Twitter
"Es gibt nun eine GPG-Anzeige auf @GitHub. Signiert eure Commits! https : // https : // https
Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2016/129
TOFU code available
GnuPG - What’s new in 2.1
Evil 32: Check Your GPG Fingerprints
OpenPGP Best Practices
How and where to store your private PGP key
Extra Unofficial XKEYSCORE Guide — Medium
Format Oracles on OpenPGP
"Just to hammer the point home (re : https : // : if your PGP Public Key expires, Facebook sends these : https : //"
"Specifically, Facebook sends _metric_fucktonnes_ of these PGP Key Expiry warnings : /cc @sjmurdoch https
PGP HKP Keyservers
GnuPG - What’s new in 2.1
0xdeadbeef comes of age: making keysteak with GnuPG
TOFU code available
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Computer und Kommunikation
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Longstanding, unpatched Bluetooth vulnerability lets burglars shut down Google security cameras
McDonalds India is leaking 2.2 million users data
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Information für Strafverfolgungsbehörden
Now sites can fingerprint you online even when you use multiple browsers
Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker
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House GOP would let employers demand workers' genetic test results
How to Keep Messages Secure
Secure computing for journalists
Uber-App blockiert Polizisten, um Strafen zu vermeiden
i.Con: Smartes Kondom soll Leistung beim Sex erfassen
Smart condoms: like Fitbit for sex – and you can even share your stats
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How This Internet of Things Teddy Bear Can Be Remotely Turned Into a Spy Device
Datenschützer sehen in neuem Straßenverkehrsgesetz Vorratsdatenspeicherung für Fahrzeugdaten
Google shifts on email encryption tool, leaving its fate unclear
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App Store, Apple Music, iCloud & other Apple services impacted by Amazon outage
Switzerland won’t save you, either: Why e-mail might still be safer in US
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Hello, Tor!
Gesetzliches Adblocker-Verbot hat Auswirkungen auf IT-Sicherheit
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E2EMail research project has left the nest
EU-Urheberrechtsreform: Doppelte Klatsche für Oettingers Leistungsschutzrecht
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