CryptoParty WIEN 31
CryptoParty WIEN 31
Dear Verizon: A letter from a customer who would like her privacy back | Fusion
Secret 'BADASS' Intelligence Program Spied on Smartphones - The Intercept
Jake Hamby auf Twitter: "WTF ad networks are leaking phone IMEIs unencrypted in HTTP requests? How is that not "personally identifiable"? @the_intercept @micahflee"
Massenüberwachung: BND speichert 220 Millionen Telefondaten - jeden Tag -
Xtube porn website spreads malware, following hack attack
Joint effort guts Superfish | Computerworld
Australia passes data retention into law - Security - News -
octomagon/davegrohl · GitHub
Security firm finds preinstalled malware on Xiaomi Mi 4 smartphone | VentureBeat | Security | by Ruth Reader
Jérôme Segura auf Twitter: "Invalid SSL certificate trick used as scare tactic #TechSupportScams"
Android-Schadsoftware: Vermeintlich ausgeschaltetes Smartphone hört mit - and Others Bundle Superfish-Style HTTPS Breaking Adware
Why the surprise over the criminal use of mobile IMSI catchers? | Frank Engelsman | LinkedIn
The darknet and online anonymity - POST Note - UK Parliament
Scotland Yard chief Hogan Howe calls for DIY surveillance to help police | Daily Mail Online
Full details on CVE-2015-0096 and the failed MS10-... - HP Enterprise Business Community
Zendo Is My New Favorite Secure Messaging App | TechCrunch
Ashar Javed auf Twitter: ""Enter your email to receive your password hint": Entered "" & hint exposed"
Ex-BND-General: NSA wollte Wirtschaftsspionage betreiben | heise online
Under U.S. Pressure, PayPal Nukes Mega For Encrypting Files | TorrentFreak
Google warns of unauthorized TLS certificates trusted by almost all OSes [Updated] | Ars Technica
Spion im Wohnzimmer: Was der smarte TV über den Zuschauer weiß - heute-Nachrichten
This App Makes Encrypting Calls And Messages Easy For All
James Lyne auf Twitter: "Best thing ever. What's wrong with this photo?"
Spam Uses Default Passwords to Hack Routers — Krebs on Security
Josh Pitts auf Twitter: "Uhhhh, nooooooo."
EU Commissioner Oettinger calls net neutrality a "Taliban-like issue" - YouTube
Facebook Wants To Own Everything You Do On The Internet
How I Requested My Photographs From The Department of Homeland Security — Matter — Medium
NSA-Ausschuss: DE-CIX erhebt schwere Vorwürfe wegen BND-Abhörung -
Technology Security - Committee to Protect Journalist
Tails - Tails report for January and February, 2015
Flurry | App Advertising and Analytic
PanBox: Staatlich geförderte Verschlüsselung für die Cloud - heise online
House committee subpoenas Clinton emails in Benghazi probe
fleaz auf Twitter: "TIL: Android kommt nicht damit klar wenn man "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" als SSID von einem AP benutzt :<"
Bankrupt Radio Shack will sell the customer data they promised to keep private - Boing Boing
9 Facts About Computer Security That Experts Wish You Knew
“Gesamte Telekommunikation in Österreich wird gespeichert” -
SSH-Client Putty: Fast vergessene Sicherheitslücke geschlossen | heise Security
The White House
YouTube region restriction checker
EU-Urheberrechtsreform: Es droht leider ACTA-reloaded – dank der Konservativen [Updates] |
Comodo Help
Business Insider auf Twitter: "Someone is attacking government websites, and a new anonymous hacking group is taking credit"
Parlament stimmt geschlossen gegen Massenüberwachung | AKVorrat
Polizeiliche Überwachung: Der Track des Lebens -
Krankenversicherung trackt Nutzer per Smartphone-App | heise online[pointer]=3&tx_ttnews[backPid]=42201&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=59437&cHash=548eb36aad1524b280621d0fe9d8aa14
Hillary Clinton Also Ran Her Own Email Server As Secretary of State
Log-In bei Windows 10 mit Irisscan und Gesichtserkennung -
Washable Smart Mattress That Tracks Your Sleep
Feinde des Internets 2015 - Reporter ohne Grenzen für Informationsfreiheit
NSA wiretapped 122 world leaders; GCHQ penetrated German satellite companies for mass surveillance potential - Boing Boing
HTTPS Everywhere :: Add-ons for Firefox
Canadian jailed for refusing to unlock his phone at the airport
Facebook-Messenger spioniert Nutzer aus -
Geheime Kommunikation: BSI programmierte und arbeitete aktiv am Staatstrojaner, streitet aber Zusammenarbeit ab |
Chappatte Cartoons auf Twitter: "The #NSA hacked billions of SIM cards - © Chappatte in Le Temps, Geneva"
Superfish SSL Interception Library Found in Several Applications: Researchers | SecurityWeek.Com
Neuseeland spionierte laut Snowden-Leaks Nachbarn aus -
Dr. Corbett Moran auf Twitter: "it's my birthday this week! instead of writing on my wall why not give me a call (bonus: on Signal) DM for CA number"
#UnfollowMe: 5 Reasons We Should All Be Concerned About Government Surveillance
Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules -
Christopher Soghoian auf Twitter: "If you're going to host a panel on the importance of default encryption, you should do it too @NewAmerica"
Jahrelange Kampagne der CIA zur Unterwanderung von Apple-Geräten - Netzpolitik - › Web
Popular torrent client can steal your CPU cycles to mine bitcoin
PK-Nr. 248 /2015
Bruno Morchio auf Twitter: "So steht es um die Sicherheit in dem #Kohlekraftwerk #Hamburg #Moorburg. @tagesthemen veröffenlichen Passwort"
Illegalem Online-Glücksspiel droht das Aus -
Health insurance data breach exposes 11 million people
USB Killer
Hendricks Solutions Blog: Security: Toddler vs Phone Lock
Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL Client Test
Gemalto pledges to probe claims of NSA, GCHQ SIM encryption breaches - FierceWireless:Europe
WordPress Blocked In Pakistan | TechCrunch
Why the cookies law wasn't fully baked – and how to avoid being tracked online | Technology | The Guardian
Yes, those free health apps are sharing your data with other companies | Technology | The Guardian
Vikingdom2015 anonymous hacking group threatens .gov websites - Business Insider
Telekom will umprogrammierbare SIM-Karte in vernetzten Geräten | heise online
Zweifaktor-Dienst Authy ließ jeden rein | heise Security
SIM-Karten-Hack: "Gemalto versucht sich rauszureden" -
Cartes SIM piratées : « Une guerre froide au sein de l’Union européenne »
Kaspersky claims to have found NSA's 'space station malware' • The Register
Vorratsdatenspeicherung: EU-Kommission gibt neuen Anlauf auf - Netzpolitik - › Web
How Superfish’s Security-Compromising Adware Came to Inhabit Lenovo’s PCs -
Update: Gemalto hack - lessons learned -
Online-Casino: Internetsperren geplant «
IP-Box entsperrt iPhones auf brutale Art -
Baycloud - Google, Ghostery and the limits of Ad Blocking.
Christopher Soghoian auf Twitter: "Re-up from last night: Australian intel chiefs questioned over Gemalto hack. Their responses are cringe-worthy."
2 Jahre CryptoParty Graz | murdelta
Lenovo Superfish scandal: The result of evil, or incompetence?
CSI: Cyber Bingo
jeremy scahill auf Twitter: "The White House statement when asked about our encryption key heist story is just... wow"
Joshua Franklin auf Twitter: "The password is built right into the SSID. How convenient! :) #MWC15 #infosec #security"
Projekt Volksverschlüsselung: Fraunhofer Institut vereinfacht S/MIME-Einrichtung -
Twitter trackt nun auch (indirekt) alle überall ›
Snowden revelations / Ex-spy chief Bruce Ferguson: It's 'mission impossible' to eliminate Kiwi data - National - NZ Herald New
the grugq auf Twitter: "SS7 has strong security for billing, ensuring *someone* gets charged for the call. The rest, not so much... #SyScan"
Claudio auf Twitter: "Examples of phone oddities from the last days. Just lovely."
So macht die Telekom die Rechnung Online sicherer | Blog.Telekom
Teen hacks car with $15 worth of parts | PCWorld
UK web traffic mysteriously sent through Ukraine | TheHill
Barbara Wimmer auf Twitter: "Hit your target faster with Gemalto! (Gesichtet auf der #CeBIT)"
No Browser is safe : Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari all hacked at Pwn2Own contest
Lenovo Only Made Up To $250,000 From Nightmare Superfish Deal, Say Sources - Forbe
Tor Users Must Now Provide A Phone Number To Open A New Twitter Account | TechCrunch
Your Mobile Privacy is Under Threat Because of US and UK Spies - Global Voices Advocacy
We know where you’ve been: Ars acquires 4.6M license plate scans from the cops | Ars Technica
Google warns of unauthorized TLS certificates trusted by almost all OSes [Updated] | Ars Technica
GCHQ durchkreuzt "Industrie 4.0"-Plan der EU -
iSpy: The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple's Secret
Security of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server comes under scrutiny - The Washington Post
Comodo PrivDog installation and download Help Guideline
Firefox — Notes (36.0) — Mozilla
Rahmenbedingungen für sichere Regierungs-Clouds | iX
Rainbow Technologies Now Owns 'Clipper Chip' Maker - latime
Filippo Valsorda auf Twitter: "PrivDog woke up and pulled the download from their servers, archived it here"
Blogs | The Tor Blog
TurboTax’s Anti-Fraud Efforts Under Scrutiny — Krebs on Security
China requiring back doors in banking software - The Privacy Blog The Privacy Blog
Samsungs Smart-TVs senden Sprache und Text unverschlüsselt - News -
Paco Hope auf Twitter: "Stopped at the roadside for a #software update. Sigh."
You Should Really Consider Installing Signal, an Encrypted Messaging App for iPhone - The Intercept
Federal police confirm they have accessed journalists' metadata | Media | The Guardian
This guy's light bulb performed a DoS attack on his entire smart house | Fusion
How to Sabotage Encryption Software (And Not Get Caught) | WIRED
Spionageverdacht: Handy von NSA-Ausschusschef gehackt? - DIE WELT
Software Privdog worse than Superfish - Hanno's blog
NSA spionierte gezielt österreichische UPC-Kunden aus - Überwachung - › Web
EU-Staaten untergraben die Netzneutralität | heise online
The Melissa Virus auf Twitter: "Good grief is that enough browsers"
BND überwacht Hauptnetzknoten DE-CIX ohne Kontrolle -
Belarus Bans Tor and Other Anonymizers · Global Voice
Certificate reputation, a novel approach for protecting users from fraudulent certificates - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Prüfbericht: Smart-TVs sind Datenschleudern - heise online
Not even GCHQ and NSA can crack our SIM key database, claims Gemalto • The Register
iSpy: The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple's Secret
Der Android-Test auf UXSS-Sicherheitslücke - c't Magazin
Johannes Seitz auf Twitter: "If you have Java on your Mac, you should check this box right now."
Geheime Kommunikation: BSI programmierte und arbeitete aktiv am Staatstrojaner, streitet aber Zusammenarbeit ab |
The Edward Snowden story - video | Membership | The Guardian
Making Pinterest — Making Pinterest HTTPS
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: Attack of the week: FREAK (or 'factoring the NSA for fun and profit')
C3TV - Ich sehe, also bin ich ... Du
Diani Barreto auf Twitter: ""End-to-end #encryption is the only way, to increase security. Everything else is illusory."- DE-CIX Witness Klaus Landefeld. #NSAUA"
Didier Stevens auf Twitter: "Seems to be some tracking code appended to pictures by websites in China."
Tails - Tails 1.3 is out
Kurt Einzinger auf Twitter: "Mikl-Leitner bezeichnet sich als " Sicherheitsministerin" #sicherheitskongess2015 #ksoe"
Tor Browser 4.0.5 is released | The Tor Blog
Top Level Telecommunications: NSA and GCHQ stealing SIM card keys: a few things you should know
984012 – Consider removing the security.turn_off_all_security_so_that_viruses_can_take_over_this_computer pref
Free Encrypted iPhone Comms And 'World First' Private Tablet Unveiled - Forbe
Be Careful What You Say, NYPD's ShotSpotter May Be Listening - ANIMAL
The Safe Way to Put a PGP Key in Your Twitter Bio at jsha/README
Parker Higgins auf Twitter: "I've wandered into a surveillance forest"
‘FREAK’ flaw undermines security for Apple and Google users, researchers discover - The Washington Post
Where the Digital Economy Is Moving the Fastest - HBR
Matthew Green auf Twitter: ".@csoghoian @iab Preventing ISPs from screwing with your ads is one of the best use-cases for HTTPS."
The NSA's SIM heist could have given it the power to plant spyware on any phone | The Verge
Lenovo and Superfish Penetrate the Heart of a Computer's Security -
SafeNet seeks gold in Rainbow • The Register
Sarah Kriesche auf Twitter: ""Ich habe eine Frage zu <Thema>" "Aus welchem Bundesland sind Sie?" "Uhm es geht um allgemeine Info" "Ja, aber wo wohnen Sie, Frau ORF?" OO"
Canadian Spies Collect Domestic Emails in Secret Security Sweep - The Intercept
Kommt Videoüberwachung in Gemeinden? -
James Allman-Talbot auf Twitter: "Uhh.. Seriously? Wow. This is a whole new level of stupid. @troyhunt"
Yahoo’s plan to get Mail users to encrypt their e-mail: Make it simple - The Washington Post
Achievement Locked: New Crypto-Ransomware Pwns Video Gamers | Bromium Lab
Neue Snowden-Papiere: NSA und GCHQ hackten Handy-SIM-Hersteller - Überwachung - › Web
Don’t Use To Advertise Your PGP Key ← Terence Eden's Blog
InfoSec Taylor Swift auf Twitter: "symantec staph 🙅 norton for bracelets 🙅 just say no"
Bruce Schneier: "Dein Handy weiß alles über dich" - Digital - Sü
Christopher Soghoian auf Twitter: "The company that developed the clipper chip is now owned by Gemalto."
The Official Twitch Blog Important Notice About Your Twitch Account » The Official Twitch Blog
G&D | Sim Card Remains Secure
'Critical' Vulnerability Found in Australian Internet Voting System in Advance of Next Week's Election | The BRAD BLOG
Neuseeland spähte WTO mit NSA-Software XKeyscore aus -
Dear Software Vendors: Please Stop Trying to Intercept Your Customers’ Encrypted Traffic | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Niklas Veltkamp auf Twitter: "Willkommen zur #CeBIT2015..."
Now you can put your keys in the cloud—your house keys | Ars Technica
Universal SSL: Encryption all the way to the origin, for free
Rogue Router Firmware Chaos #Backdoor | Entrust:Blog
Social Justice Droid auf Twitter: "Diese #google Werbung geschrieben von Yoda ist geworden."
Mysterious spy cameras collecting data at post offices | FOX31 Denver
Destroying your hard drive is the only way to stop the super-advanced Equation malware
Outdated Encryption Keys Leave Phones Vulnerable to Hackers -
Didier Stevens auf Twitter: "Anybody know why some PNGs have a kind of hash appended after IEND, like this example: /* |xGv00|754b58e7cce280a90a45d4d3a2ff7d4c */"
Apple - Jobs at Apple
Adam™ auf Twitter: "Ransomware fürs iPhone. Süss. In Javascript natürlich."
Hackers can track phone users’ location by looking at power supply — RT USA
Gemalto Doesn't Know What It Doesn't Know - The Intercept
Cory Doctorow auf Twitter: "Thanks for man-in-the-middling SSL connections on your in-flight wifi, @united! #infosec #youredoingitwrong"
Julia Reda – Net neutrality is a “Taliban-like issue”, says Europe’s top digital policymaker
Uber Statement | Uber Blog
Here’s what people really search for most on Google - Business Insider
Gemalto finalises SafeNet acquisition for $890m
Upgrading the Security and Privacy of Your Email
MuninrepeeK eroL auf Twitter: "Comodo, the root CA, is actively breaking SSL to serve "trusted" ads and is recommended by Comodo for such:"
Big Data: Telekom wertet Mobilfunkdaten aus -
HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Alexis Lloyd auf Twitter: "This is getting very meta."
‘FREAK’ flaw undermines security for Apple and Google users, researchers discover - The Washington Post
NSA-Ausschuss: "BND hat freie Hand bei der Internetüberwachung" - heise online
Tor Animation English - YouTube
Safari: Alte Sicherheitslücke speichert URLs auch im Private-Browsing-Modus | Mac & i
Tails - Download, verify and install
Google quietly backs away from encrypting new Lollipop devices by default [Updated] | Ars Technica
Suomalainen paljasti Microsoftin haavoittuvuuden: yhtiö kiitti sulkemalla sähköpostitilin - Tivi
Spionageverdacht: Kryptohandy von NSA-Ausschuss-Chef womöglich gehackt -
Announcing the new version of SecureDrop, with the results from our third security audit | Freedom of the Press Foundation
PrivDog wants to protect your privacy - by sending data home in clear text - Hanno's blog
Telcos face mass SIM card recall after spy agencies' encryption hack revealed
Jahrelange Kampagne der CIA zur Unterwanderung von Apple-Geräten - Netzpolitik - › Web
Google Online Security Blog: Maintaining digital certificate security
Google Online Security Blog: Maintaining digital certificate security
Unbekannte erbeuten Daten von rund 50.000 Uber-Fahrern -
Voice over IT
Sicherheit in Mobilfunknetzwerken
Bring Your Own Daemons - Mobility und Sicherheit