CryptoParty 45 - 2016-08-29 - Linkliste * [[|PDF des OpSec Vortrags]] * [[|]] * [[|High-severity bugs in 25 Symantec/Norton products imperil millions - Ars Technica]] * [[|New and improved CryptXXX ransomware rakes in $45 - 000 in 3 weeks - Ars Technica]] * [[|How the NSA snooped on encrypted Internet traffic for a decade - Ars Technica]] * [[|Linux bug leaves USA Today - other top sites vulnerable to serious hijacking attacks - Ars Technica]] * [[|New air-gap jumper covertly transmits data in hard-drive sounds - Ars Technica]] * [[|]] * [[|Can This Israeli Startup Hack Your Phone? - Digits - WSJ]] * [[|Google' - s version of the W3C' - s video DRM has been cracked / Boing Boing]] * [[|Leaked FBI documents reveal secret rules for spying on journalists with National Security Letters / Boing Boing]] * [[|Killing Russian Criminal Law -Carnegie Moscow Center - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace]] * [[| - Computer Security Division - Computer Security Resource Center]] * [[|Google deckt haarsträubende Lücken in Sicherheitssoftware von Symantec auf - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|Ex-NSA-Hacker: Er jagte Sysadmins - jetzt äußert er sich öffentlich - Überwachung - - Web]] * [[|Sicherheitsforscher zeigt Angriffe gegen Android-Verschlüsselung - Android - - Web]] * [[|Deutscher Geheimdienst spionierte EU-Regierungs- und -Staatschefs aus - Abhörskandal - - International]] * [[|Bellingcat veröffentlicht Whatsapp-Chat türkischer Putschisten - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|Passwortklau und Malware: Millionen Drahtlos-Tastaturen als Sicherheitsrisiko - IT-Security - - Web]] * [[|Welche österreichischen Firmen Überwachungstechnik entwickeln - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|Hacker knacken Bankomatzahlung - mit einem Raspberry Pi - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|Hypo-Ausschuss: Endbericht knapp vor Fertigstellung - Hypo-Untersuchungsausschuss - - Wirtschaf]] * [[|Der aktuelle NSA-" - Hack" - war ein Insiderjob - fm4.ORF.a]] * [[|Kuwait’ - s new DNA collection law is scarier than we ever imagined - Fusion]] * [[|T-Mobile wü - nscht sich gemeinsames Netz mit A1 und Drei - futurezone.a]] * [[|Datenleck bei Terrordatenbank - futurezone.a]] * [[|Deutsche Zeitungsverleger halten Adblocker fü - r Wegelagerei - futurezone.a]] * [[|Google weitet Werbe-Tracking aus und fragt um Zustimmung - futurezone.a]] * [[|Hacker stahlen 30 Jeeps in sechs Monaten - futurezone.a]] * [[|Online Banking: User hatten Zugriff auf fremde Konten - futurezone.a]] * [[|Passwortmanager Lastpass hatte kritische Sicherheitslü - cke - futurezone.a]] * [[|Telekom und Fraunhofer starten " - Volksverschlü - sselung" - - futurezone.a]] * [[|Wie mit Sprachbefehlen Handys ü - bernommen werden kö - nnen - futurezone.a]] * [[|Zwei Millionen Nutzerdaten vom Ubuntu-Forum gestohlen - futurezone.a]] * [[|Deutscher Geheimdienst spionierte EU-Regierungschefs aus - futurezone.a]] * [[|EU-Terrorismusrichtline mit Netzsperren auf Schiene - futurezone.a]] * [[|EU und USA segnen Privacy Shield trotz massiver Kritik ab - futurezone.a]] * [[|WikiLeaks: Server wegen Tü - rkei-Ankü - ndigung attackiert - futurezone.a]] * [[|Symantec und Norton: Massive Lü - cke gefä - hrdet Millionen - futurezone.a]] * [[|Zero-Day-Sicherheitslü - cke gefä - hrdet Lenovo-Notebooks - futurezone.a]] * [[|]] * [[|Spionagewerkzeug um Handys abzuhören kostet nur 35 Dollar - futurezone.a]] * [[|Schwere Sicherheitslücke in Internet-Standard entdeckt - futurezone.a]] * [[|]] * [[|Here's how presidential candidates sell your personal information - Jul. 7 - 2016]] * [[|Exklusiv: Wie das BKA Telegram-Accounts von Terrorverdächtigen knackt - Motherboard]] * [[|FBI's Mass Hack Hit 50 Computers in Austria - Motherboard]] * [[|One Email Address Links Some of the Biggest Cybercrime Operations - Motherboard]] * [[|Researcher Grabs VPN Password With Tool From NSA Dump - Motherboard]] * [[|Terrorism Database Used by Governments and Banks Leaked Online - Motherboard]] * [[|UK Police Accessed Civilian Data for Fun and Profit - New Report Says - Motherboard]] * [[|More Proof That America's Drone War Doesn't Work]] * [[|Why you shouldnt share links on Facebook — Quartz]] * [[|Why you shouldnt share links on Facebook — Quartz]] * [[|Breaking Android Full-Disk Encryption - not so hard on Qualcomm mobileSecurity Affair]] * [[|Deutschlandradio - Mediathek]] * [[|Wasserwerke aus dem Netz fernsteuern: Bericht zeigt - wie schlecht es um die Sicherheit kritischer Infrastruktur steht - t3n]] * [[|Giuliani: Electronically Tagging Muslims On Terror Watch List Is 'Excellent Idea']] * [[|Algeria blocks access to Facebook and Twitter over exam leak]] * [[|Google Chrome is officially killing Flash starting next month]] * [[|Denmark sent sensitive health data to Chinese by mistake- Reuter]] * [[,92954.html?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=ManualTweet&utm_campaign=SocialMedia|]] * [[|New DetoxCrypto Ransomware pretends to be PokemonGo or uploads a Picture of your Screen]] * [[|]] * [[|Glow Pregnancy App Exposed Women to Privacy Threats - Consumer Reports Finds - Consumer Repor]] * [[|Binary SMS - The old backdoor to your new thing]] * [[|655 - 000 patient records for sale on the dark net after hacking victims refuse extortion demands - The Daily Do]] * [[|Implantable “Neural Dust” Enables Precise Wireless Recording of Nerve Activity]] * [[|Interview I]] * [[|VPN Pulls Out Of Russia Due To New Data Retention Laws - Gizmodo Australia]] * [[|Adblocker: Facebook will Werbeblocker aushebeln -]] * [[|Comodo: Zertifikatsausstellung mit HTML-Injection ausgetrickst -]] * [[|Volkswagen-Hack: Mit dem Arduino 100 Millionen Autos ö - ffnen -]] * [[|Sicherheitslü - cke im Forum: Daten von 1 - 9 Millionen Dota-2-Spielern kopiert -]] * [[|Sicherheitslü - cke: Lenovo warnt schon wieder vor vorinstallierter Software -]] * [[|Verschlü - sselung: Sicherheitslü - cke bei Start Encrypt -]] * [[|A Case Study in Attacking KeePass – - harmj0y]] * [[|Google bittet Sie um mehr persönliche Daten - heise online]] * [[|Kritische Sicherheitslücke in 90.000 WLAN-Routern von Unitymedia -heise Security]] * [[|Lenovo warnt vor ungepatchter BIOS-Lücke -heise Security]] * [[|Health system fined $650K after employee loses iPhone with patient info]] * [[|On Cybersecurity and Being Targeted — Kenneth Reitz]] * [[|SPÖ-Stadtrat als anonymer Internet-Poster enttarnt: Kein Rücktritt « kleinezeitung.a]] * [[|Deutsche Telekom warnt vor gestohlenen Login-Daten -]] * [[|Small Number of SwiftKey Users Discover App Leaked Private Data to Strangers - Mac Rumor]] * [[|In first - U.S. judge throws out cell phone 'stingray' evidence- Reuter]] * [[|Serious Vulnerability Affects Over 120 D-Link Products - SecurityWeek.Com]] * [[|Does dropping usb drives really work? Blackhat USA 2016]] * [[|Facebook und Co.: Behörden wollen schneller an Nutzerdaten - SPIEGEL ONLINE]] * [[|Volksverschlüsselung: Gute Idee mit vielen Haken - SPIEGEL ONLINE]] * [[|Global 'terror database' World-Check leaked • The Register]] * [[|5 years - 2 - 300 data breaches. What'll police do with our Internet Connection Records? • The Register]] * [[|UK gov says new Home Sec will have powers to ban end-to-end encryption • The Register]] * [[|Flaws found in security products from AVG - Symantec and McAfee • The Register]] * [[|Hackers unleash smart Twitter phishing tool that snags two in three users • The Register]] * [[|US Customs wants to collect social media account names at the border - The Verge]] * [[|The FBI has collected 430 - 000 iris scans in a so-called ' - pilot program' - - The Verge]] * [[|WhatsApp isn' - t fully deleting its ' - deleted' - chats - The Verge]] * [[|Wiretap Report 2015 - United States Cour]] * [[|Majority of Native Ads Lack Transparency - WSJ]] * [[|The Insecurity of Things: Part Two - Xipiter]] * [[|Encryption ransomware now 'tried and trusted' attacker business model - ZDNe]] * [[|Verizon reported to purchase Yahoo for $4.8 billion – - 512 Pixel]] * [[|Anonymous Eritrea: Communicating in a Paranoid State - Global Voices Advocacy]] * [[|Malware Sold To Governments Helped Them Spy on iPhones - Slashdo]] * [[|Privacy analysis of W3C Proximity Sensor]] * [[|CVE-2016-5696 and its effects on Tor]] * [[|Statement - The Tor Blog]] * [[|Tor Browser 6.0.4 is released - The Tor Blog]] * [[|Looking ahead for WhatsApp - WhatsApp Blog]] * [[|EFF is suing the US government to invalidate the DMCA' - s DRM provisions / Boing Boing]] * [[|Pregnancy-tracking app was riddled with vulnerabilities - exposing extremely sensitive personal information / Boing Boing]] * [[|Hacker puppets explain how they find your passwords in non-technical ways / Boing Boing]] * [[|1 billion computer monitors vulnerable to undetectable firmware attacks / Boing Boing]] * [[|Return of Dieselgate: 3 more hidden programs found in VW Audi/Porsche firmware / Boing Boing]] * [[|CertSimple - Why &apos - site seals&apos - are even worse than you though]] * [[|The Million Dollar Dissident: NSO Group' - s iPhone Zero-Days used against a UAE Human Rights Defender - The Citizen Lab]] * [[|Disarming a Cyber Mercenary - Patching Apple Zero Days - RONALD DEIBERT]] * [[|2 Million-Person Terror Database Leaked Online - Slashdo]] * [[|Privacy Shield: Privacy sham - EDRi]] * [[|ecurity-advisories/ObjSys/CVE-2016-5080 at master · programa-stic/security-advisories · GitHub]] * [[|Seil doesn' - t load under 10.12 · Issue #68 · tekezo/Seil · GitHub]] * [[|Turkey Adds Wikileaks to a Long List of Blocked Websites · - Global Voice]] * [[|]] * [[|Wer steckt fremde USB-Sticks in den eigenen Rechner? - Qbi's Weblog]] * [[|]] * [[|Apple - Intel - Google Employee Accounts Exposed in Data Breach of Developer Forum - Motherboard]] * [[|The Internet of Dildos Is Watching You - Motherboard]] * [[|British Spies Used a URL Shortener to Honeypot Arab Spring Dissidents - Motherboard]] * [[|Government Hackers Caught Using Unprecedented iPhone Spy Tool - Motherboard]] * [[|Government Hackers Caught Using Unprecedented iPhone Spy Tool - Motherboard]] * [[|Meet NSO Group - The New Big Player In The Government Spyware Business - Motherboard]] * [[|Log In - The New York Time]] * [[|Log In - The New York Time]] * [[|„ - 5G-Manifest“ - : Telekom-Industrie attackiert Netzneutralität - Günther Oettinger stellt sich auf ihre Seite -]] * [[|Bayern stellt Überwachungspläne vor: Ausweitung der Vorratsdatenspeicherung und mehr Internetpolizisten -]] * [[|Berlin: Ausweitung der Videoüberwachung vom Tisch -]] * [[|BKA untermauert seinen „ - Darknetreport“ - mit dreizehn Jahre alten Daten -]] * [[|BMW speichert keine Standortdaten - gibt aber Bewegungsprofil an Gericht -]] * [[|Bundesregierung befragt Bevölkerung: Die wünscht sich mehr Netzpolitik und eine Stärkung des Datenschutzes -]] * [[|Bundesregierung will Entschlüsselungsbehörde schaffen -]] * [[|Datenschützer zu Kameraüberwachungsplänen: Auch Innenminister müssen sich an Gesetze halten -]] * [[|E-Mailanbieter Posteo veröffentlicht Transparenzbericht und kritisiert Forderungen nach schneller Datenherausgabe -]] * [[|Erstmal haben: Regierung will Zentralstelle für Entschlüsselung. Wofür genau weiß sie noch nicht. -]] * [[|Ex-Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: „ - BND-Zugriff auf Internet-Knoten wie DE-CIX ist insgesamt rechtswidrig“ - -]] * [[|Facebook blockiert Ad-Blocker -]] * [[|It´s a feature: Roskilde-Festival mit freundlicher Telefon- und Internetüberwachung (Update) -]] * [[|Kritik vom Bundesrechnungshof: Das Bundeskriminalamt will gleich zwei Staatstrojaner einsetzen -]] * [[|Kunden haben leider Pech: Volkswagen schlampt bei Verschlüsselung von Schließsystemen -]] * [[|Nach Microsoft-Urteil: US-Regierung will Zugriff auf im Ausland liegende Daten durch Gesetzesänderungen erzwingen -]] * [[|Netzneutralität und Breitbandausbau sind kein Widerspruch -]] * [[|Neue britische Premierministerin: Theresa May auf Überwachungskurs -]] * [[|Sehen - was Google über dich speichert -]] * [[|„ - Über das Ziel hinaus“ - – - Bayerischer Verfassungsschutz darf jetzt auf Vorratsdaten zugreifen -]] * [[|WhatsApp bietet nur Pseudo-Widerspruch zur Datenweitergabe an Facebook an -]] * [[|UPC Hungary Administrative Password / Insecure Transit ≈ - Packet Storm]] * [[|Secure Golden Key Boot: (MS16-094 / CVE-2016-3287 - and MS16-100 / CVE-2016-3320)]] * [[|Battle of the Secure Messaging Apps: How Signal Beats WhatsApp]] * [[|Secret Rules Make It Pretty Easy for the FBI to Spy on Journalis]] * [[|BAE Systems Sells Internet Surveillance Gear to United Arab Emirate]] * [[|Researchers Bypass Chip and Pin Protections at Black Hat - Threatpost - The first stop for security new]] * [[|Help! My VPN Provider Is Compromised By a Gag Order! - TorrentFreak]] * [[|#19271 (Remove urras from default_authorities)]] * [[|]] * [[|Secret Cameras Record Baltimores Every Move From Above]] * [[|DSLReports Home : Broadband ISP Reviews News Tools and Forum]] * [[|Chrome is nearly ready to talk to your Bluetooth device]] * [[|Reichstagsbrand ǀ Grelles - neues Licht — der Freitag]] * [[|Gpg4win - Secure email and file encryption with GnuPG for Window]] * [[|Air-Gapped Systems Vulnerable to Data Exfiltration via Fan-Controlling Malware - According to Israeli Researchers – - HOTforSecurity]] * [[|Hackers steal $10 million from a Ukrainian bank through SWIFT loophole]] * [[|Real-World Security and the Internet of Things - Schneier on Security]] * [[|Visiting a Website against the Owner's Wishes Is Now a Federal Crime - Schneier on Security]] * [[|]] * [[|GM CEO: Car Hacking Will Become a Public Safety Issue]] * [[|]] * [[|Let's put e-voting where it belongs: on the trash-heap of bad ideas - Dan Nolan - Opinion - The Guardian]] * [[|WoSign Mis-Issued SHA-1 SSL Certificates [Updated]]] * [[|]] * [[|Comcast wants to sell your Web history to advertisers - The Washington Pos]] * [[|Meet Moxie Marlinspike - the Anarchist Bringing Encryption to All of Us - WIRED]] * [[|Snowden Designs a Device to Warn if Your iPhone’ - s Radios Are Snitching - WIRED]]