CryptoParty 39 2015-12-21, IBM Wien * [[|EU puts circumvention of encryption back on the agenda - Andrej Hunko - MdB]] * [[|Post von Twitter: Du wirst staatlich gehackt - annalis]] * [[|With goal of universal HTTPS - Lets Encrypt reaches important milestone - Ars Technica]] * [[|]] * [[|Android 6.0.1 adds a ton of new emoji - and weve got the full list - Ars Technica]] * [[|IRS: Dont worry - weve only used our stingray to track 37 phones - Ars Technica]] * [[|Encrypted Messaging App Telegram Leaks Usage Data - Motherboard]] * [[|MIT Creates Tor Alternative That Floods Networks With Fake Data - Slashdo]] * [[|Bangladesh Unblocks All Social Media Services (For Now) - Global Voices Advocacy]] * [[|Datenschutzverordnung: Die Internetwirtschaft ist beruhigend unzufrieden - ZEIT ONLINE]] * [[|Bugs in 'Hello Barbie' Could Have Let Hackers Spy on Children's Chats - Motherboard]] * [[|A Giant Malware Sandbox Is Europol's Secret to Fighting Hackers - Motherboard]] * [[|Ausbau der OGD-Strategie der Stadt Wien beschlossen - Smart City Wien]] * [[|Recap: Erster netzpolitischer Abend in Wien & FEEZ]] * [[|]] * [[|The TPP's ban on source-code disclosure requirements: bad news for information security / Boing Boing]] * [[|The Big List of What's Wrong with the TPP / Boing Boing]] * [[|FBI tells tech companies offering encryption to reconsider “their business model” / Boing Boing]] * [[|]] * [[|]] * [[|]] * [[|Daring Fireball: 13 Million MacKeeper Users Exposed]] * [[|Spionagewerkzeug Games: Wie Spieler durchleuchtet werden - GamePolitics - - Web]] * [[|Staatsschutzgesetz: Rechtsanwälte kritisieren mangelhaften Rechtsschutz - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|Festnetz-Internet: A1 will 100 Mbit/s für fast alle Haushalte - Mobilfunker - - Web]] * [[|Neue EU-Datenschutzregeln bringen mehr Userrechte - Datenschutz - - Web]] * [[|US-Kongress versteckte massives Überwachungsgesetz in Budgetplan - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|Die Geheimhaltungsrepublik - Alexandra Föderl-Schmid - - Meinung]] * [[|Staatsschutz: Richter sehen Mogelpackung «]] * [[/home/politik/innenpolitik/4883709/Juristen-warnen_Osterreich-konnte-zu-Art-Polizeistaat-werden?parentid=5806830&showMask=1|]] * [[|Seven Pirate Bay Domains Have Been Suspended - TorrentFreak]] * [[|Donald Trump will Bill Gates anrufen - um "Internet abzusperren" - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|NSA-Spionage? Juniper findet Hintertüren in eigenen Firewalls - Netzpolitik - - Web]] * [[|This article is guilty of spreading panic and disorder - The Economis]] * [[|In hacking - the blame game is purely for entertainmen]] * [[|EXFiLTRATED]] * [[|Aktualisiere deinen Browser - Facebook]] * [[|How to Convert Shimano 6770 Ultegra Di2 to 11 Speed]] * [[|" Mitgeschnupfte" Türschlüssel im Dinge-Internet - fm4.ORF.a]] * [[|EU-weites Spin-Doctoring der Politik um Datenschutz - fm4.ORF.a]] * [[|Kampagne gegen Verschlüsselung bricht zusammen - fm4.ORF.a]] * [[|Packrat: Hacker Group Threatens to Put Bullet in Researcher's Brain - Fortune]] * [[|Important Announcement about ScreenOS® - J-Net Community]] * [[|Saving " FreeBasics" (Facebook) while destroying Internet - Free Software Movement of India]] * [[|Digitalisierung: " Ansprü - che an Lehrer haben sich geä - ndert" - futurezone.a]] * [[|MacKeeper-Leck legt 13 Millionen Nutzerdaten offen - futurezone.a]] * [[|Onboard-Boxen-Mangel gefä - hrdet tschechische LKW-Maut - futurezone.a]] * [[|Ransomware legt Behö - rdencomputer lahm - futurezone.a]] * [[|Twitter informiert Nutzer ü - ber staatlichen Hackerangriff - futurezone.a]] * [[|Brasilien blockiert WhatsApp - futurezone.a]] * [[|Datenschutzbehö - rde ohne Technik-Experten - futurezone.a]] * [[|ELGA: " Datenmissbrauch im Spital passiert aus Neugier" - futurezone.a]] * [[|Geheimer Ü - berwachungskatalog der US-Behö - rden enthü - llt - futurezone.a]] * [[|" Snowden-Dokumente sind noch immer toxisch" - futurezone.a]] * [[|Hello Barbie als Sicherheitsrisiko im Kinderzimmer - futurezone.a]] * [[|Public Beta von Let's Encrypt fü - r ein sicherers Web - futurezone.a]] * [[|Google Cloud Platform Blog: Google Cloud Vision API changes the way applications understand image]] * [[|Dear TSA: This is Why You Shouldn't Post Pictures of Your Keys Online - Hackaday]] * [[|Back to 28: Grub2 Authentication Bypass 0-Day]] * [[|Jeder nur ein Kreuz! - hpd]] * [[|HUDOC - European Court of Human Righ]] * [[|A Secret Catalogue of Government Gear for Spying on Your Cellphone]] * [[|Heres the Article on Saudi Arabia That Al Jazeera Blocked]] * [[|Bodyguard Bulletproof Blanket For Kids - Business Insider]] * [[|Juniper Networks - 2015-12 Out of Cycle Security Bulletin: ScreenOS: Multiple Security issues with ScreenOS (CVE-2015-7755 - CVE-2015-7756) - Knowledge Base]] * [[|Security Advisory: Dell Foundation Services Remote Information Disclosure (II)]] * [[|Security Advisory: Dell Foundation Services Remote Information Disclosure (II)]] * [[|Big Data macht Patienten in Großbritannien gläsern - futurezone.a]] * [[|Grenzzaun hat 8 Meter großes Loch]] * [[|Bundesnachrichtendienst: Geheimnisverrat beim BND nimmt zu - Politik - Tagesspiegel Mobil]] * [[|MalwareJake: MS15-130 exploit likely in coming day]] * [[|Gelöschte Wikipedia Artikel im MARJORIE WIKI]] * [[|VTech says hack put more than 6 million kids' accounts at risk]] * [[|FBI has lead in probe of 1.2 billion stolen Web credentials: documen- Reuter]] * [[|After Paris Attacks - French Cops Want to Block Tor and Forbid Free Wi-Fi - Motherboard]] * [[|Cybersecurity Researchers Are Hunted from All Sides - Motherboard]] * [[|FBI Chief Asks Tech Companies to Stop Offering End-to-End Encryption - Motherboard]] * [[|Hacked Toymaker VTech Admits Breach Actually Hit 6.3 Million Children - Motherboard]] * [[|How VTech's App Failed Miserably to Protect the Data of Kids and Parents - Motherboard]] * [[|The Black Community Needs Encryption - Motherboard]] * [[|MIT Creates Untraceable Anonymous Messaging System Called Vuvuzela]] * [[|#netzrückblick: Oettinger 2015 - das wandelnde PR-Desaster -]] * [[|Tor und Twitter: Du wirst staatlich gehackt - weil sie es können. -]] * [[|Brasilien: Whatsapp für 48 Stunden blockiert [Update] -]] * [[|In Belgium - an Encryption Powerhouse Rises - WSJ]] * [[|Journalisten nach Bericht ü - ber Asylmissstä - nde verurteilt - news.ORF.a]] * [[|" The Internet is not the opposite of real life" &bull - TEDxVienna]] * [[|]] * [[|190GB Of Photos And Chat Logs Stolen In Vtech Breach Packet Storm]] * [[|Dual EC DRBG]] * [[|Silent Circle's encrypted phone app cleared for US government use - ZDNe]] * [[/article/us-vtech-cyberattack-idUSKBN0TK5ML20151202|]] * [[|Security Advisory: AOL Desktop MiTM Remote File Write and Code Execution]] * [[|Windows Enforcement of Authenticode Code Signing and Timestamping - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki]] * [[|]] * [[|Kazakhtelecom]] * [[|Kazakhtelecom]] * [[|Kazakhstan makes it Mandatory for its Citizens to Install Internet Backdoor - The Hacker New]] * [[|Bad Santa! Microsoft Offers: 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight' to Push Windows 10 - The Hacker New]] * [[|Conducteur de train auf Twitter: " Les portiques de sécurité Thalys en cours d'installation à Gare du Nord. @thalys_fr"]] * [[|Greg Linares auf Twitter: " #Juniper #ScreenOS Diffing - Offsets still not lining up :\ - gonna be a long night #infosec #RE #Backdoor"]] * [[|Tweets mit Antworten von SąɱųŗąïAƈŧųąℓ 警備侍 (@SecureSamurai) - Twitter]] * [[|SecuriTay auf Twitter: " Federal government thinks it has a cool brand - that means it can pay information security professionals less money"]] * [[|SOBtheBOSS auf Twitter: " Hahahaha *GASP* HAHAHAHa.... - - care of: @davide_paltri"]] * [[|Jacob Appelbaum auf Twitter: " Is the #Juniper pwnage related to the #NSA #BANANAGLEE #ZESTYLEAK #FEEDTROUGH programs we released at @DerSPIEGEL?"]] * [[|Jernej Virag auf Twitter: " #WhatsApp code decompilation actually shows that they target all domains with " telegram" in it specifically."]] * [[|Pascal Hartig auf Twitter: " This is awesome. I wish more companies did that with their newsletters. Thanks - @transifex."]] * [[|Trammell Hudson™ auf Twitter: " More cyberpunk dystopia: Firmware update in bicycle shifter breaks backwards compatibility."]] * [[|Bastian Woelfle auf Twitter: " Na dann testen wir mal Tanktaler. Erscheint mir immer noch ein seltsames Konzept."]] * [[|he grugq auf Twitter: " #OPSEC"]] * [[|Troy Hunt auf Twitter: " VTech data breach email. Stalkers can find your kids - but the important thing is those card details are just fine."]] * [[|Werner Boote auf Twitter: " please find stickers for your cameras in the cinemas. the film " Alles unter Kontrolle" opens Dec 25 in Austria"]] * [[|Zeke Weeks auf Twitter: " Oh yeah - this company totally doesn't have a model based on selling as much customer data as possible"]] * [[|Twitter warnt Nutzer vor etwaigen Angriffen durch Geheimdienst - Überwachung - - Web]] * [[|Datenschutz: Kein Bedarf für digitale Grundrechte-Charta - ZEIT ONLINE]] * [[|]] * [[|How Washington's campaign against encryption could help terrorists - Washington Examiner]] * [[|We think encryption allows terrorists to hide. It doesn't. - The Washington Pos]] * [[|Everything you need to know about encryption: Hint - you're already using it. - The Washington Pos]] * [[|Sicherheitslücke bei MacKeeper: 13 Millionen Datensätze können ohne Hindernisse heruntergeladen werden -]] * [[|Vorratsdaten für Verfassungsschützer: Grüne halten Bayerns Sonderweg für verfassungswidrig - Nachrichten -]] * [[|Edward Snowden and the Paris attacks - Business Insider Deutschland]] * [[|To break terrorist encryption - pay off Apple and Google - expert urges - Computerworld]] * [[|Sen. Dianne Feinstein will seek legislation to 'pierce' through encryption]] * [[|Wie der Ausländerhass von Pegida Dresden schade]] * [[|Firefox Hello is the first system add-on for Firefox - gHacks Tech New]] * [[|In Australia - Even Learning About Encryption Will Be Illegal Soon - Gizmodo Australia]] * [[|Ashley Madison: Nutzer des Seitensprungportals werden mit Briefen erpresst -]] * [[|Brasilien: Whatsapp fü - r 14 Stunden blockiert -]] * [[|Dell-Probleme: Service-Tag ermö - glicht Tracking von Dell-Nutzern -]] * [[|Funkzellenabfrage: Nach Pfefferspray-Angriff 14.000 Handydaten ausgewertet -]] * [[|HTTPS: Cloudflare und Facebook wollen SHA1 weiternutzen -]] * [[|Internet: Vodafone Kabel setzt 10-GByte-Drosselung um -]] * [[|Lenovo/CSR: Bluetooth-Treiber installiert Root-Zertifikat -]] * [[|Morgan Marquis-Boire: Dieser Hacker kommt Spionen auf die Schliche -]] * [[|Nach Gerichtserfolg: Axel Springer droht Youtuber mit eigener Klage -]] * [[|Sicherer Passwortspeicher: Berliner Polizeibeamte fallen auf Phishing herein -]] * [[|Ü - berwachung: Gesetz zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung tritt in Kraft -]] * [[|Geheimdienstkontrolleure: BND hat gegen Recht und Auftrag verstoßen - heise online]] * [[|Kommentar: Verbot der Netz-Anonymität legt die Axt an die Demokratie - heise online]] * [[|Phishing-Test bei der Berliner Polizei - heise Security]] * [[|]] * [[|Leuphana Universität Lüneburg: Ansich]] * [[|So What Is to Become of All the Personal Data That... - Matthew Aid]] * [[|]] * [[|Documents Reveal N.S.A. Campaign Against Encryption - Document -]] * [[|Pressemitteilung in der Strafsache Grazer Gemeinderatswahlkampf 2008 - Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien - 16.12.2015 - APA-OTS]] * [[|]] * [[|Ständerat gegen längere Vorratsdatenspeicherung]] * [[|2015 was not the year of HTTPS for news organizations - Poynter.]] * [[|Brazil court lifts suspension of Facebook's WhatsApp service- Reuter]] * [[|Ein Staat - der seinen Bürgern nicht trau]] * [[|BlackBerry Exits Pakistan Over Backdoor Request - SecurityWeek.Com]] * [[|]] * [[|Geheimdienst-Kontrolleure reichen Klage ein : "Wir sind reingelegt worden" -]] * [[|Death To Internet Explorer: Microsoft To Retire All Versions Under IE11 In January : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Time]] * [[|Die neue EU-Netzneutralitätsverordnung - Telemedicu]] * [[|The Moral Failure of Computer Scientists - The Atlantic]] * [[|Teens can't tell the difference between Google ads and search results - The Verge]] * [[|Twitter users targeted by state-sponsored attackers - The Verge]] * [[|Facebook's website now uses HTML5 instead of Flash for all videos - The Verge]] * [[|]] * [[|]] * [[|FAQ about Data Breach on VTech Learning Lodge (last updated: 16:00 - December 18 - 2015 - HKT) - VTech]] * [[|What We Know About Netflixs Hidden Ratings -- Vulture]] * [[|]] * [[|Secret Code Found in Juniper's Firewalls Shows Risk of Government Backdoors - WIRED]] * [[|Secret Code Found in Juniper's Firewalls Shows Risk of Government Backdoors - WIRED]] * [[|VTech hack gets worse: Chat logs - kids' photos taken in breach - ZDNe]] * [[|Running an ESP8266 ESP-12E module in minimum configuration (As obtained from Banggood) - YouTube]] * [[|KoreBlog linksys-0day-unauth-infodisco]] * [[|It's Still the Data - Stupid!]] * [[|Microsoft updates Trusted Root Certificate Program to reinforce trust in the Internet - Microsoft Malware Protection Center]] * [[|24 privacy tools -- not messaging apps -- that don't exist / Boing Boing]] * [[|Philips pushes lightbulb firmware update that locks out third-party bulbs / Boing Boing]] * [[|Issue 514076 -chromium -Security: localStorage of file:// can be read from any remote origin through a blob: document with the origin of null -An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Google Project Hosting]] * [[|Issue 566144 -chromium -Security panel: Indicate when HPKP was bypassed due to a local trust anchor -An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Google Project Hosting]] * [[|Issue 575 -google-security-research -Avast: stack buffer overflow - strncpy length discarded -Google Security Research - Google Project Hosting]] * [[|]] * [[|draft-ietf-httpbis-legally-restricted-status-04]] * [[|Moving the Washington Post to HTTPS - Developer Blog - The Washington Pos]] * [[|Dymaxion: Secure Application Development for NGOs and Others: Part III]] * [[|EU Internet Forum - behind closed doors and without civil society]] * [[|EU Consultation on future internet regulation - have your say! - EDRi]] * [[|Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2015/1177]] * [[|#EP - LIBE-Ausschuss: Datenschutzpaket (EUdataP) - Forum Datenschutz]] * [[|g500.6.3.0r12.0.diff · GitHub]] * [[|K-DOT/sslstrip_password_hijacker · GitHub]] * [[|Google Online Security Blog: Proactive measures in digital certificate security]] * [[|ObscuraCam: Secure Smart Camera & The Guardian Projec]] * [[|]] * [[|DNS Censorship (DNS Lies) As Seen By RIPE Atlas &mdash - RIPE Lab]] * [[|Dem BND kommen nicht nur Wasserhähne abhanden: Leaks interner Dokumente nehmen 2015 zu -]] * [[|Drei BND-Mitarbeiter müssen wegen Selektoren-Affäre ihren Posten wechseln & Probleme bestehen weiter -]] * [[|EU setzt Umgehen von Verschlüsselung wieder auf die Tagesordnung [Update] -]] * [[|Tolle Jobs beim Verfassungsschutz: Einfach mal straflos Telekommunikation überwachen -]] * [[|Vectoring: Monopolkommission befürchtet Technologiemonopol der Deutschen Telekom -]] * [[|]] * [[|Kazakhstan to MitM all HTTPS traffic starting Jan 1 - Hacker New]] * [[!topic/calendar/UhfpcwO0X0c|Google Group]] * [[|Donate -]] * [[|]] * [[|Tails - Tails 1.8 is ou]] * [[|Microsoft Security Advisory 3123040]] * [[|Advantech EKI Vulnerable to Shellshock - Heartbleed - Threatpost - The first stop for security new]] * [[|Andreas Krisch auf Twitter: " (wäre ja schön - wenn es von Ausschusssitzungen des @OeParl auch Livestreams gäbe) #Demokratie #Transparenz"]] * [[|Andreas Krisch auf Twitter: " Mit 40 : 4 Stimmen wurde die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung im @EP_Justice angenommen. #EUDataP"]] * [[|Andreas Krisch auf Twitter: " Mit Sicherheit kann man sagen: Es ist für Unternehmen sicher nicht verkehrt sich jetzt intensiv mit #Datenschutz zu beschäftigen. #EUdataP"]] * [[|Andreas Krisch auf Twitter: " Und zwar sowohl mit den eigenen Datenverarbeitungen als auch den neuen Martchancen - die diese Reform bringt. #Datenschutz #EUdataP"]] * [[|LIBE Committee Press auf Twitter: " .@EP_Justice approves #EUPNR deal by 38 votes in favour - 19 against and 2 abstentions. Vote #EPlenary early next year. Press release soon."]] * [[|Kirsten Fiedler auf Twitter: " Erinnert ihr euch an das grauenvolle #EU Anti-Terror-Projekt #CleanIT? Deren Webseite verlinkt jetzt auf Porno"]] * [[|Kirsten Fiedler auf Twitter: " Filtern - abblocken - Hintertür einbauen. EU-Kommission startet Dialog zu Terror im Netz:"]] * [[|Robert Harm auf Twitter: " Bitte nachmachen - liebe Bahn! SNCF gibt Echtzeit-API für den Bahnverkehr frei - t3n - cc @unsereOEBB"]] * [[|Edward Snowden auf Twitter: " The govt itself admits the kind of universal surveillance the FBI Director wants has never stopped a single attack."]] * [[|Edward Snowden auf Twitter: " Reports indicate a backdoor designed by NSA has been repurposed by America's adversaries and used against us:"]] * [[|Spektral Graz auf Twitter: " Unser Hoster @domainfactory will jetzt also " Hosting in Deutschland" nur noch als Premiumservice anbieten"]] * [[|The Next Web auf Twitter: " Google is about to start favoring HTTPS sites in search results"]] * [[|Twoo auf Twitter: " @BrandyPenguin Notice the Norton Secured by Verisign logo on our payment pages - which is proof of our high level of security."]] * [[|Davide Paltrinieri auf Twitter: " How to NOT implement #2factor #authentication #2FA #epicfail"]] * [[|Dmitry Chestnykh auf Twitter: " Caddy is the first general-purpose web server to default to HTTPS without user intervention (using Let's Encrypt)"]] * [[|EDRi auf Twitter: " Consultation on future internet regulation. Have your say @GOettingerEU @Ansip_EU #platforms"]] * [[|Ralf (RPW) auf Twitter: " Q: You wanna know what runs ScreenOS? - A: " The VPN box is a SWIFT-specific version of NetScreen's 5XT Elite" [ …]"]] * [[|Futurezone auf Twitter: " Gravierende Rechtsverstöße beim deutschen Bundesnachrichtendienst"]] * [[|Garrett Robinson auf Twitter: " Also great to see @washingtonpost using Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only to track down misbehaving HTTP ads! @imelven @mikewest @dveditz"]] * [[|Jan Weiß auf Twitter: " PSA: @MacUpdate is spreading infested installers for “X Lossless Decoder” - DO NOT DOWNLOAD - SAMPLE -"]] * [[|hanno auf Twitter: " the really bad part about Kazakh MitM is that they got this idea from what's called " IT security industry" which likes to do the same"]] * [[|hanno auf Twitter: " this means either Juniper doesn't understand crypto & - the problems of Dual EC or they want to decrypt your traffic"]] * [[| auf Twitter: " Wussten Sie - dass...bei #Phising E-Mails die angegebenen Internetadressen von den tatsächlichen Adressen abweichen?"]] * [[|Holger Klein auf Twitter: " Wenn die Bundesregierung angibt - Beweise zu haben - sie aber nicht zeigt - erwartet sie quasireligiöse Gefolgschaft."]] * [[|Internet of Shit auf Twitter: " OH MY GOD IT GETS BETTER"]] * [[|Nadim Kobeïssi auf Twitter: " Actual measures considered by French Ministry of Interior for 2016: - * Ban public WiFi - * Ban Tor - * Backdoors in VoIP -"]] * [[|Nadim Kobeïssi auf Twitter: " As if backdoors weren't enough - Juniper also used Dual_EC. BUT DON'T WORRY THEY REPLACED THE PARAMETERS"]] * [[|Kenn White auf Twitter: " Today I learned that Telegram servers store every message ever sent or received in PLAINTEXT - (read the full thread)"]] * [[|matt blaze auf Twitter: " If nothing else - Juniper deserves credit for being forthcoming that there was a backdoor - and not just quietly rolling out a patch."]] * [[|matt blaze auf Twitter: " I hope Juniper continues to be forthcoming with further details."]] * [[|Matthew Green auf Twitter: " Reminder: for eight months now we've *known* that NSA inserted backdoors in popular encryption co-processors. Maybe time for some follow up?"]] * [[|Matthew Green auf Twitter: " This is kind of awful looking."]] * [[|Philip Brechler auf Twitter: " OMG this is real!"]] * [[|Thomas Lohninger auf Twitter: " What is a good social democratic project for the day of human rights? Yes - a commitment to mass surveillance! #PNR -"]] * [[|he grugq auf Twitter: " ScreenOS backdoor is a subverted Dual EC? So an NSA backdoor was repurposed for use against American interests. Warning for all backdoors"]] * [[|Kazakhtelecom]] * [[|]] * [[|]] * [[|Rekindling Net Neutrality: Our meeting with EU telecoms regulators - Access Now]] * [[|Petition · EU politicians: Don't ban teenagers from using the Internet #13to16privacy ·]] * [[|HTTPS Keeps You Secret & Safe & Secure - Be a Cyber Superhero!]] * [[|Digitale Gesellschaft » - Mehr Überwachung - mehr Sicherheit?]] * [[|Digitale Gesellschaft » - Der Bundesrat will das Prinzip der Netzneutralität durch eine dokumentierte Diskriminierung ersetzen]] * [[|Digitale Gesellschaft » - Überwachung braucht Debatte: Beschlüsse über Hackersoftware der Polizei dürfen nicht geheim sein]] * [[|Digitale Gesellschaft » - Merkblatt «Public-WLAN»: Wie ist die rechtliche Situation in der Schweiz?]] * [[|Jahresrückblick 2015 - Google Trend]] * [[|There is no internet censorship in China - says China's top censor - Hong Kong Free Pre]] * [[|Why Arent Criminal Defendants Getting Notice of Section 702 Surveillance — Again? - Just Security]] * [[|A Biometric Approach as a Partial Step Forward in the Encryption Debate - Lawfare]] * [[|]] * [[|SWIFT - FAQ]] * [[!5253502/|Verschlüsselte Kommunikation: Filtern - abblocken - Hintertür einbauen -]] * [[|Light Bulb DRM: Philips Locks Purchasers Out Of Third-Party Bulbs With Firmware Update - Techdir]] * [[|Trustworthy Internet Movement - SSL Pulse]] * [[|Call for Papers - USENIX]] * [[|We think encryption allows terrorists to hide. It doesn't. - The Washington Pos]] * [[|Alles unter Kontrolle - Trailer (deutsch) - YouTube]] * [[|" We need more - not less democracy" Jacob Appelbaum - YouTube]] * [[|Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2008 - Lecture 4 - Untangling the Web - YouTube]] * [[|Sicher Surfen einfach erklärt! - YouTube]] * [[|Experten-Check: Was der Handelsgerichtshof in TTIP wirklich bedeutet - YouTube]] * [[|Alles unter Kontrolle - Trailer (deutsch) - YouTube]]