Thema: Wie sicher ist https wirklich? (Die POODLE Sicherheitslücke.) Was bisher geschah… * [[|JPMorgan Says Data Breach Affected 76 Million Households]] * [[|Signed Malware = Expensive “Oops” for HP]] * [[|Anonabox Kickstarter (gesperrt)]] * [[|WT3020A WLAN Router (AliExpress)]] * [[|@justinstevens]] über Backdoors in der Anonabox * [[|MITM Attacke auf iCloud in China]] * [[|Apple kBase 6550]] über die Sicherheit von iCloud und wie bei Zertifikatswarnungen zu agieren ist. * [[|Reuters: Hungary internet tax]] * [[|Futurezone: Proteste gegen Internetsteuer]] * [[|NY Taxi Fahrten deanonymisiert]] * [[|Chicago-area voting machine casts Republican candidate’s vote for Democratic foe]] * [[|Why Samsung Knox isn't really a Fort Knox]] * [[|In response to a blog post on Samsung KNOX]] * [[|NSA-APPROVED SAMSUNG KNOX STORES PIN IN CLEARTEXT]] * [[|iCloud Uploads Local Data Outside of iCloud Drive]] * [[|Apple kBase: iCloud: Unsaved documents in Apple apps that use Documents in the Cloud are automatically saved to iCloud]] * [[|This is one of the worst security questions I’ve seen.]] * [[|Don't use Amazon on open Wifi Networks]] * [[| ComputerCOP: The Dubious 'Internet Safety Software' That Hundreds of Police Agencies Have Distributed to Families]] * [[|Beispiellose Überwachungsbefugnisse für die Finanz]] * [[|Parlament: 2.Abgabenänderungsgesetz 2014 - Überwachungsbefugnisse für die Finanz]] * [[|Verizon’s ‘Perma-Cookie’ Is a Privacy-Killing Machine]] * [[|Check for Verizon Sniffing Cookie]] use your PHONE's GSM/3G/4G connection to check! Wie sicher ist https wirklich? * [[|https Seiten Testen]] * [[|Alexa Top 10.000 - SSL/TLS - Versions and Distribution Summary]] Tips aus der Diskussion: * [[|EFF: Surveillance Self Defense]] Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications